Team History Series: Dallas Stars


This team has a well documented history, but they did not start as the Dallas Stars.  In this installment of my Team History Series, I explore their history.

The team started in 1967 as the Minnesota North Stars as part of a six team expansion by the National Hockey League (NHL).  The team played as the Minnesota North Stars from 1967-1993.

Legend Roger Staubach convinced former owner Norm Green to move the team from Minnesota to Texas, and play in Dallas.  Staubach convinced Green of the potential, and touted Dallas as a hockey market after years of poor attendance and profitability.

Starting in 1993, after the move, the team was renamed the Dallas Stars.  The move agreed with the team as they have won numerous championships…

President’s Trophy winners in 1998 and 1998, the Stars won the Pacific Division championship in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, and 2006).  Western Conference Championships were won in 1999 and 2000.  The Stars won their first ever Stanley Cup in 1999.

The Stars play in the American Airlines arena.  Tom Gaglardi is their new owner as of this year.  Joe Nieuwendyk is General Manager, Glen Gulutzan is Head Coach, and Brendan Morrow wears the C as he is their Captain.

The Stars have three minor league affiliates.  They are the Texas Stars of the American Hockey League (AHL), Idaho Steelheads of the East Coast Hockey League (ECHL), and the Allen Americans of the Central Hockey League (CHL).

Lastly, the Stars are one of the teams that has lost lots of money.  $38 million was lost last season, and over the last three seasons, $98 million has been lost.  Makes one wonder if playing in Dallas is a logical choice, and we might see Gaglardi move the team in the future.

Only time will tell what the Stars have in store for the future of the team.  🙂