EA Sports prepares to release their 20 EA Sports prepares to release their 20 EA Sports prepares to release their 20

EA Sports Goes Retro on NHL 14


As EA Sports prepares to release their 20th Anniversary edition of its NHL game franchise, the people over at EA have decided to throw in a little something special in this year’s edition of the game; the return of NHL 94!

Preview of NHL 94 Anniversary Mode. MANDATORY PHOTO CREDIT: EASports.com

This will take us back to the day. Do you remember those days? Back when Chicago Blackhawks center Jeremy Roenick had super-human moves?

Penalties? What penalties? In NHL 94 Anniversary Mode, there are no penalties; no icing, no offsides, no nothing. Just some knock ‘em down, drag ‘em out old school hockey.

This is going to be a full on retro presentation, complete with blue ice, a retro soundtrack, and classic button control. They’re even throwing in the little star icon under your skates to make us old school gamers feel special.

This mode will also be playable offline, and will include all the classic players we all know and love.

Below is the official trailer from EA Sports. Take a look for yourselves.

I don’t know about you, but as an old school gamer myself, I am kind of excited to take a step back in time and revisit where one of the most iconic hockey video games of all time got its start.

NHL 14, which will have New Jersey Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur on the cover, is set to hit stores on September 10th in North America and September 13th worldwide. It will only be available on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

Are you looking forward to EA Sports’ trip back in time to the days of old school hockey? What player are you most looking forward to playing? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think.

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