Tyler Johnson Responds To Woman’s Claim From Jimmy Kimmel Live


Tampa Bay Lightning center Tyler Johnson has responded to a woman’s claim that her most impressive achievement is she cheated on her boyfriend with the young Lightning center.

As most of you have probably already heard by now, Tampa Bay Lightning center Tyler Johnson was unwittingly made the center of attention last night on an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. As you can imagine, the interview segment did shine the most desirable of lights on the young center.

Just to recap, in light of this being the time when the Nobel Prizes for subjects such as science, literature, medicine, and peace are handed out to people who have achieved great things in those respective categories, Kimmel decided he wanted to shine a light on the normal, everyday person whose achievements may not have been so great.

As you can imagine, we heard about all manner of “achievements.” There was everything from rescuing a cat, to riding a motorcycle on the water, a senior prank, to a man devouring a rather large burger and getting his picture on the wall of the restaurant, but it was the last interview that made the ears of those of us here in the Bolts Nation tingle in the worst way possible.

In the final interview segment, the camera was turned to a pretty, blonde woman who claimed the greatest achievement was cheating on her boyfriend without him knowing. Of course, the interviewer wanted to know why she would do such a thing, to which she responds that he was a famous athlete.

To make a long story short, without actually uttering his name, she eludes the athlete she slept with was none other than Tampa Bay Lightning center Tyler Johnson. Thankfully, before speculation was allowed to run wild, Johnson stepped in and said his peace on the matter.

According to Erik Erlendsson of the Tampa Tribune, Johnson said he has no idea who this woman even is let alone why she would make these type of claims against him.

It would seem as if this is just another case of someone attempting to get their fifteen minutes of fame by name dropping a famous athlete and making everyone scramble for details of the alleged encounter. Whether there was any encounter to ever be had in the first place is something we may never know for sure.

Being honest, it’s something we hope we never find out. What happens behind closed doors, whether the door of a professional athlete or not, is really none of our business.

On the bright side, there is something coming up real soon that will help those of us here in the Bolts Nation become a long lost memory. In just t-minus two days, the puck will drop at the Amalie Arena as the Tampa Bay Lightning take on the Philadelphia Flyers in the Tampa Bay Lightning Home Opener. This means the Lightning’s quest for the Stanley Cup begins in just a matter of days. Are you ready to Be The Thunder?

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